18 May 2009

Keith Lo Bue Workshops in Melbourne

Marg and I are very excited to announce we have Keith Lo Bue coming to Melbourne to teach two workshops, they will be on the weekend of 25 and 26 July. For more information join our Yahoo Group SisterArts or email me kathyata@yahoo.com.au


Linda M. Cain said...

I am sooooo jealous!!!! As I've said before, I really do think I was supposed to live in Australia. I can associate with so many of you there!!

Your Friend in ART,

Unknown said...

How do we book? *excited*

Kathy said...

Hi Romy,

You just need to click on the SisterArts link which will take you to the group. Request to join and all the info is there.


Judy said...

oh I wanna come!
But I will be teaching in the USA that weekend. Oh well good luck I know Keith will be well looked after by you guys.